
Blog Love (Until those vids are encoded…)

Posted on January 10, 2007. Filed under: blog love, gawker, mashable, rss, tech crunch, wonkette |

I “collect” blogs the way kids in the 90’s went nuts about pogs.
I’m not ashamed to admit it – I add feeds to my bloglines account like rss was going out of style.

Often I will read a blog only once, but most of the time I scan about 200+ blogs a day,
like a crazed fisherwoman in a sea of random info.

I often stumble across information that inspires me, and if this didn’t happen on a regular basis I would stop reading so many blogs because as much as I love them, I can freely admit that often a lot of content is just a huge waste of time and doesn’t contribute anything concretely beneficial to the quality of my life. 

But Oh blogs! How I love thee! Let me count the ways:

– You satiate my (up until I discovered RSS) my insatiable need to pack my brain full of (often) interesting and (most of the time) useless information

– You provide me with the opportunity to read (essentially) the same information over and over, but in different voices

– You provide me with rumors presented as facts, that I then immediately report to my friends and family only to be shot down by those who took the time to fact check.

But I keeeeed.

I’m just a little bitter today because here it is, yet another blog entry, not chock full of original Daniela short film content. But! This weekend I am shooting something with my friend, so along with the music video I will have another tasty treat ready to share with the world in the next few weeks….

So yes, favorite blogs. We all know gawker, micropersuasion, brooklynvegan, gothamist, tech crunch, gigaom, wonkette, mashable, etc. But what about the diamonds in the rough?

Without further ado, here are some of my current favorite under the radar (at least, to most everyone I know) blogs:

** and in the process, learn a little about what tickles my brain

*** Feel free to post a link to your blog/blogs you currently love so I  can check them out

My Laundry List O’ Blogs


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